Ramses the oldest

The Egyptians were led by their king, Ramses the great bulk of them much stronger. Publicized accounts of many of the pharaoh Ramses II and his battles against the Hittites on the Egyptian border in Syria. In his youth participated Ramses father Seti I in his wars against the Hittites, and learn from him how to be a successful governor. Witnessed the first period of the reign of Ramesses the ongoing war with the Hittites. But when he realized he was the commander of the two countries, there will be no real victor of the peace offenses. Still remain and the peace treaty can be seen today carved on the walls of the Temple of Karnak. Was the greatest work of the two great temples of Ramses Structural, who carved at the foot of Mount Abu Simbel in Nubia. And largest temples sitting on the façade of four huge statues of the king, a rise of 18 meters. And when he died of Ramses II in a ninety-Amra was buried in the Valley of the Kings near Thebes