The God who suffered from the evils to death, is in the form of a man without identification of the members of his body. Wearing the crown of "Atef" and caught his right hand on the stick and sponsor Pisarh on a stick "Alennkk" became the ruler of the mortal world. Since the early Abydos became the most important center of worship. The city of "Iozyres" (in the south-west) of the city Smto (in the Delta), the first areas hit by the.
Months, Egyptian gods, symbolized by his king mummified and on the crown of Upper Egypt, is beset with two feathers a symbol of justice Egyptians believed that he has the ability to provide them with life, and continued to worship about two thousand years and spread his temples along the Mediterranean, according to legend the famous suffered of treachery and death at the hands of his brother's idol (six), who wants to get rid of him to marry his wife, the goddess (Isis), thanks to which he was able to return to life, and thus provided for mankind eternal life, was in the first Idol Representative of fertility, and then became then god the other world and guarantor of the Baath to humans, and I like all the king After his death Palmabboud (Osiris) to guarantee him another life
Children of Horus
Sons of Horus are "Imsety and Habi and Duamutef and Qebehsenuf" They are guarded by "Osiris during the embalmed and then guarding the visceral vessels and four representing the four corners of the world"
Sister and wife of the god "Osiris", the mother of the god "Horus" and woven by the many dangers of which played an important role goddess witch and cure of diseases. Represented as a woman carrying a sign "throne" on her head, and sometimes wear a crown for two centuries, the sun disk between them, and took the forms and manifestations of different gods. Cult spread in Europe since the Greco-Roman period.
A statue of Osiris, Isis, sitting on the throne

A statue of Osiris, Isis, sitting on the throne. Osiris beard and images directly related to the ownership of the statue, and puts on the crown of the head, "Atef" by the partial fracture; Pray adorned royal cobra. He is holding the scepter has survived; a symbol of the dignity and sublimity and dignity, sovereignty and ownership.
Osiris as it appears in the form of a mummy, which does not see anything but your hands. Isis and sit next to him wearing a tripartite wig decorated with a sun disk between the horns of a cow. She is wearing a long tight dress Tank interlace up to ankle; and simplify her left hand on her knee, and put her hand right on the right shoulder of Osiris.
And no formula Eucharist traditional aspects of the throne, although they differ in length; and prays to Isis, "the mother of the great god" Osiris "the Lord Almighty."